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HomeSponsored ArticleThe best Vitamin C supplements to immune support

The best Vitamin C supplements to immune support

Ascorbic acid is, without a doubt, one of the essential nutrients the human body cannot synthesize on its own.

And while most people rely on fresh vegetables and fruits to hit their recommended intake threshold, for some, this may not be an option courtesy of a dietary restriction or a prevailing medical condition.

It is in cases such as these that dependable supplementary solutions such as Wellabs Vitamin C 2000MG come into play.

But how does this vitamin additive stack up against others in the same class?

Let’s explore, shall we?

Who Needs Vitamin C 2000 MG Benefits?

Even before placing Wellabs Vitamin C 2000MG on the weighing scale, it’s crucial to lay bare some of the benefits that can be derived from adding a vitamin C-based supplement to your eating routine.

Granted, there’s no shortage of this vitamin readily available in fresh vegetables and fruits.

Still, some people can find it a challenge extracting and assimilating this nutrient from a standard fruit-rich.

If anything, there’s a group of people who are inherently predisposed to suffering a vitamin C deficiency.

This includes;

·         People with severe eating disorders

·         Adults above the age of 65 years

·         People struggling with alcohol use problems

·         Habitual smokers as cigarette smoke increases exposure to free radicals which in turn implies that you need a higher level of vitamin

·         Patients suffering from a particular set of medical conditions, especially those that revolve around kidney complications or those that are manifested by malabsorption such as numerous types of cancers.

That being said, considering that a long-term deficiency of vitamin C can predispose you to serious immunity-related disorders and scurvy, the need for supplementation cannot be overstated enough.

Besides, vitamin C is an antioxidant that is known to neutralize the impact of free radicals on one’s cellular infrastructure, something that can be quite crucial in warding off a myriad of hard-to-treat ailments.

According to a growing body of research, most people need approximately 100mg of this micronutrient per day.

As far as this goes, Wellabs Vitamin C capsules check this box quite comfortably.

That being said, it is not advisable to exceed more than the upper limit of 2000mg per day as overdosing on ascorbic acid is just as detrimental to your health as an extreme deficiency.

Again, Wellabs Vitamin C satisfies this requirement as long as you stick to the advised dosage of 2 capsules per day.

Does Wellabs Vitamin C 2000MG Have Any Unique Benefits?

A quick internet search will reveal that the supplement market is awash with a bunch of multivitamins and condiments that promise to deliver vitamin C effortlessly and effectively.

So, one may wonder, what sets apart Wellabs Vitamin C from the rest of the crowd. Let’s see.

For starters, Wellabs capsules are generally formulated to raise your levels of ascorbic acid within a relatively short turnaround time.

According to the manufacturer, this is possible because the active ingredient matrix employed here is more bioavailable than what you will find in standard vitamin C pills.

This improved bioavailability means that the supplement is a tad easier on your GI tract, in addition to giving you more bang for your buck.

To sum up, here are some of the supplement-specific benefits that you stand to gain by adding these capsules to your wellness regimen.

·         Improved immune response: Ascorbic acid is one of the vital components when you are looking to beef up your immune response to common ailments such as colds, flu, and viral infections.

·         Decreased risk of cardiovascular illnesses: A small study conducted in 2021 revealed how taking a consistently high dose of vitamin C can aid in improving the blood vessel function in both younger and older adults which is central in reducing the risk of suffering from heart-related diseases.

·         Protects your bone health: A review published in 2020 shows how bone density is 3 percent higher in people who take vitamin C capsules religiously in comparison to those who don’t.

·         Reduces the levels of various inflammatory markers: Taking an ascorbic acid supplement has been linked to a reduction in the levels of various inflammatory markers such as interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein i.e CRP in certain people.  

As expected, Wellabs vitamin C 2000MG is not without its fair share of downsides. Luckily, there are just but a handful and they include;

·         An accidental overdose can trigger nasty side effects such as diarrhea, cramps, and nausea

·         Vitamin C supplementation is generally not recommended to folks with particular medical conditions such as kidney impairments and hemochromatosis

·         Not recommended for people on certain meds such as iron chelators

The Takeaway

It’s always recommended to purchase vitamins and dietary supplements from reputable brands that are not just trusted by nutritional professionals but also with a track record of adhering to high-efficiency standards.

Wellabs is one of them and this non-GMO and vegan-friendly supplement which is formulated in the US and has undergone rigorous testing bears testimony to that.

Photo by Andre Taissin at Pexels

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