Sunday, February 16, 2025
HomeWell MindPsychologyFive Signs You Might Need a Therapist

Five Signs You Might Need a Therapist

Contrary to common misunderstandings, one doesn’t need to be “mad,” in despair, or on the edge of a crisis to seek therapy.

Simultaneously, therapy isn’t always the answer for every minor hiccup life presents, especially if you have a robust network of friends and family for support. Here’s to determine when it’s time to consult a therapist.

You Desire to Grasp Your Own Emotions

It’s natural for all of us to experience frustration, confusion, dissatisfaction, or being overwhelmed occasionally. However, when these negative emotions transform into constant intrusive thoughts that occupy our time and distract us, they become hard to control. You might be grappling with anxiety or depression without knowing their origin. 

Alternatively, you could have undergone a loss or trauma and feel uncertain about how to handle it. An online therapist can assist in understanding your emotions, identifying their causes, and learning effective coping strategies.

Experiencing Negative Emotions

Experiencing overwhelming sadness, anger, or despair could indicate a mental health condition that can improve with proper care. Changes in your sleeping or eating habits, withdrawal from loved ones, or a general sense of not feeling like yourself should not be ignored. 

Seek guidance before these issues escalate and start affecting your life quality. If these emotions become so intense that you start questioning the value of life or contemplating death or suicide, seeking immediate help is crucial.

Your Sleep Duration is Imbalanced

Obtaining quality sleep might be a challenge when dealing with mental health issues. Likewise, insufficient sleep can increase the likelihood of encountering mental health difficulties – a vexing correlation. Those grappling with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, or ADHD often find sleep disturbances to be a common issue. Engaging in therapy can assist in managing symptoms of these mental health disorders that hamper your sleep.

Importantly, having a diagnosed mental health condition for inadequate sleep is unnecessary to negatively influence your mental health. A research review conducted in 2018 revealed that lack of sleep could cause mood instability and heighten emotional sensitivity. Certain therapeutic methods can aid in enhancing your sleep hygiene, equip you with strategies for overall better sleep, and help you deal with the consequences of not getting sufficient rest. 

You’ve Experienced a Significant Loss

The journey through grief can be prolonged and arduous without the aid of a professional. While not everyone requires therapy in such situations, it’s okay to seek some support while grappling with losing a loved one, the dissolution of a marriage or serious relationship, or job loss. This is particularly true if you’ve endured several losses in quick succession.

You’re Withdrawing from Social Life or Unable to Sustain Relationships

When you notice a pattern of distancing from friends, secluding yourself, and increasing emotional space between you and your partner(s), there may be an underlying cause. Stress, sleep issues, and anxiety could all be contributing factors.

Just as stress and inadequate sleep can negatively impact social isolation also carries potential risks. Individuals who socially withdraw are more prone to certain health issues like depression and chronic pain, tend to be less physically active, and often consume less healthy diets. Therapy can be useful in managing any mental health disorders that may obstruct your social engagement. It can also support dealing with any social anxiety you may be experiencing.


While it’s natural to experience mental or emotional stress, getting excessive and exhausting levels puts our well-being at risk. Seek professional help to get the treatment and resources you need immediately. No one should have to endure excessive amounts of stress alone. 

Image by TienDat Nguyen from Unsplash

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