Sharp jawlines. Chiseled cheekbones. Defined facial contours.
It seems like today; these features are something of a prerequisite in Hollywood… but how?
Three words: buccal fat removal.
For years, it seems like the Hollywood elite kept this trendy aesthetic procedure on the hush-hush; whispers about its magical powers to permanently contour faces are saved for only the most exclusive social circles.
But suddenly, it became quite clear to us plebians that Hollywood had been keeping a secret.
The permanently contoured cheekbones that suddenly took over the faces of Hollywood’s elites weren’t merely a combination of great genetics, LA living, luck, and whatever was in the waters of our pop culture icons.
Instead, a simple cosmetic procedure called buccal fat removal made its way into Hollywood, and now, especially thanks to Chrissy Teigen, the secret is out.
According to Dr. John Mesa, M.D., “buccal fat removal is a minimally invasive plastic surgery procedure that removes the fullness of the chubby cheeks.” And Dr. Mesa knows what he’s talking about – he has long been the secret keeper and top specialist of buccal fat removal surgeries, sought out by Hollywood celebrities and laypeople alike for his incredible surgical technique and flawless results.
In fact, Dr. Mesa quite literally wrote the book on buccal fat removal. He co-authored Atlas of Operative Craniofacial Surgery, a comprehensive guide to craniofacial operations that are considered essential reading material for anyone involved with craniofacial surgery, including craniofacial surgeons, craniofacial surgery fellows, maxillofacial residents, and others.
Why Has Buccal Fat Removal Gotten So Popular?
It’s no debate that buccal fat removal has gotten increasingly popular among celebrities, models, actors, and laypeople over the last decade or so. But why?
Buccal fat pad removal has actually been around for decades and was historically performed in tandem with other surgeries like facial lifts.
But in recent years, buccal fat removal has become a frenzy of its own, thanks in large part to social media, celebrity culture, and what The New Yorker dubs, “The Age of Instagram Face.”
By now, you’ve likely heard the term ‘Instagram Face’ thrown around, or, at the very least, you can probably picture the look: a selfie-ready, youthful face, characterized by high cheekbones, poreless skin, and a well-defined jawline.
For better or for worse, the Instagram Face has become the look of the decade, and as it turns out, buccal fat removal surgery is one of the most popular ways to achieve this chiseled look.
But don’t just take my word for it: According to The Aesthetic Society, Buccal Fat Excisions increased by a whopping 68% between 2020 and 2021, making it one of the most-requested facial cosmetic procedures to emerge over the last couple of years – no doubt, in large part inspired by celebrities rumored to have undergone the procedure themselves.
So, there’s your answer: It used to be the best-kept secret in Hollywood, but now that the masses know it helps give that chiseled celebrity face look, buccal fat removal is here to stay!
How to Know If You Are a Candidate for Buccal Fat Removal
Now that you’re in Hollywood’s Best Kept Secret, you might be wondering whether the buccal fat removal procedure is right for you. Luckily, Dr. Mesa created a video specifically answering that very question here.
A world-renowned specialist in buccal fat removal, Dr. Mesa says that in order to know if buccal fat removal surgery Is going to deliver the results you’re looking for, first look in the mirror and try to suck in your cheeks a little bit.
If you notice the area of the cheeks gets sunken when you suck inside your mouth, Dr. Mesa explains, that’s exactly where the buccal fat part is.
If you notice that by sucking in your cheeks and see that the fullness in the lower area and your cheekbones are enhanced, that means buccal fat removal is a procedure that would benefit you.
Since Buccal Fat Removal removes the fullness of chubby cheeks, the typical candidate is somebody who is unhappy with their chubby cheeks, round baby face, and lack of a visible cheekbone structure.
If you dream of a more chiseled, structured, and sculpted facial structure, rather than a round and full face, you might be a candidate for buccal fat removal.
With trusted specialists like Dr. Mesa, the procedure takes only minutes and can change your life forever.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
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