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6 Health Conditions Women Over 40 Should Watch Out For

Everyone knows that the body becomes more susceptible to diseases as it ages. There’s a common belief that women generally live a few years longer than men. However, there are studies that show women suffer from more health conditions than men as they get older. These mainly include chronic illnesses and cognitive impairment. 

It’s possible to reduce the possibility of adopting a healthier lifestyle. But it’s still best to understand what these conditions are to prepare appropriate countermeasures. On that note, below are six of the most common health conditions among women over 40. 

  1. Osteoporosis 

Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to become overly brittle and weak. Usually, one can prevent this condition by consuming calcium as it’s known to strengthen one’s bones. However, women’s bones are generally less dense than men’s, so they’re more likely to suffer from osteoporosis. That’s precisely why it’s recommended for young girls and even adult women to consume dairy products. 

On the other hand, if you’re already experiencing the symptoms of osteoporosis, such as back pain and loss of height, it’s recommended to see a specialized doctor for screening. On that note, you might want to search for ‘Orthopaedic Surgeon Near Me‘ if you have the time. 

  1. Arthritis 

Arthritis is yet another musculoskeletal health condition that affects older women more than men. It causes your joints to soften and swell, resulting in joint pain and stiffness. 

Moreover, this condition worsens over time. Arthritis can affect different parts of the body, such as knees, fingers, toes, and hips. Severe cases of arthritis may also end up damaging one’s eyes, skin, heart, and lungs. There are several types of arthritis, but since hip arthritis is the most common, it’s best to visit a hip arthritis doctor if you want a diagnosis. 

It’s possible to minimize your risk of arthritis by maintaining a healthy weight. This is because extra weight often puts more pressure on your joints than it can typically take. 

  1. High Blood Pressure 

Women are also generally more susceptible to high blood pressure than any other gender. This is mainly because events like menopause, pregnancy, and birth control contribute to an increased risk for high blood pressure. You can identify high blood pressure by checking your blood pressure. Generally, those with this condition have a reading of 180/120. 

You can also identify this health condition by monitoring your body for any symptoms. Here’s a list of signs that may indicate that you have high blood pressure: 

  • Severe headaches 
  • Chest pain 
  • Fatigue 
  • Irregular heartbeat 
  • Vision problems 
  • Nosebleed 

Fortunately, there are several ways to minimize your risk of high blood pressure, such as maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, etc. 

  1. Stroke 

Since high blood pressure often results in stroke, women are also more susceptible to stroke. On the bright side, since stroke usually occurs in people aged 55 to 75, women just over 40 should still have time to minimize their risk of this health condition. 

Any lifestyle changes that can improve your health would generally suffice in reducing your health risk. However, while exercise is crucial, it’s best to avoid pushing yourself too far as it may lead to the opposite effect. 

  1. Diabetes 

Diabetes is a health condition that mainly disrupts the functioning of insulin, which is a substance that regulates the body’s blood sugar levels. When the blood sugar levels exceed the amount the body can process, various life-threatening complications may occur. It’s typically one of the many conditions you have to watch out for regardless of your gender. 

Although males are known to be more vulnerable to diabetes than women, females are more likely to suffer from severe implications and, in some cases, death. This is why it’s best to deal with diabetes as soon as you’re diagnosed with the condition. 

  1. Alzheimer’s disease 

Apart from musculoskeletal health conditions, women over 40 are also more susceptible to cognitive impairment–the condition that affects a person’s memory. 

One particular cognitive problem that women often face is Alzheimer’s disease. Although it doesn’t show its symptoms during a female’s 40s, it’s one of the most crucial points in your life where you can minimize its possibility. You can do so by constantly challenging your brain, getting enough sleep, and, as always, eating a healthy diet. 


While older women are indeed more susceptible to certain health conditions than men, there are many things you can do to minimize your risk. Exercising, eating a healthy diet, and taking medications are just a few examples. You should also consider steering away from unhealthy vices, like smoking and drinking, alcohol as much as possible. 

With these tips, you should be able to grow older without suffering from any severe health conditions.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay 

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