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HomeSponsored ArticleWhy get a 3D facelift

Why get a 3D facelift

Self-confidence is one of the cornerstones of positive self-image and sound mental health.

As you age and go through the events of life, appearance issues such as lines and wrinkles become more numerous and more pronounced. Other sides of aging can include sagging and loose skin.

All of these signs of aging can have a negative impact on how you view yourself. If you find your appearance becoming unsatisfying, you are far from alone.

Facelifts have become a more common medical procedure and treatments such as a 3D facelift can help improve your appearance. A 3D facelift uses the most modern treatment methods to reverse signs of aging and there are many reasons you should consider it.

What a 3D Facelift Offers 

  • Fills Out Your Face: a common sign of aging is a loss of fullness in your face and facial features. This sunken appearance can take the form of sunken cheekbones and is noticeable around the eyes. This gaunt appearance is caused due to the natural break-down of the fat in your face that fills out your features. During a 3D facelift fat from other parts of your body is used as a filler restoring your face’s previous fullness. Also, due to using your body fat as a filler material, you have no fear of rejection or allergies due to the filler material being sourced from your own body.
  • Addresses and Fixes Underlying Issues: aging causes your face to develop wrinkles and start to sag. An aspect of your facelift is that it will help fix the underlying physical changes that cause visible aging. Your tissue and muscles become looser as you age, and this shows on your face. By having your doctor tighten your underlying facial structure, wrinkles, sagging, and jowls can be corrected. In addition, this muscle tightening helps the facelift last longer and look better.
  • Removes Double Chins: excess fat in your neck area can easily lead to a double chin as you age and your skin starts to loosen. This is an aspect of aging many people dislike and consider unsightly. It is also a condition that in the past has been hard to address. A 3D facelift is an effective way of treating double chins. As 3D facelifts target not just surface tissue but also deep tissues, the underlying fat causing a double chin is removed.
  • Tackles Several Issues At Once: traditional facelifts tend to focus on sagging and other aging-related issues can require further treatment and care. With a 3D facelift, you can save on time and recovery by having several aging issues addressed at once. A 3D facelift helps in fixing sagging and also adds filler to deal with facial shallowness and other skin issues. By getting a 3D facelift, you don’t have to make several appointments or deal with multiple recovery times. With one procedure, you can easily be on your way and on the road to full recovery within a short period.
  • An Affordable Solution: finally, 3D facelifts are cost-efficient. Because a 3D facelift addresses multiple issues at once this saves you money on follow-up surgery. You also save money on recovery as you only have to recover from one procedure reducing care needs. Plus, 3D facelifts are mild in terms of recovery with very little treatment needed as you recover and in most cases, pain medication may be your only need.

Final Thoughts

Aging brings with it wisdom and the many joys of living, but that doesn’t mean you have to be dissatisfied with your appearance. Medical science has improved and grown by substantial amounts in recent years and that includes facelifts.

A 3D facelift can be an effective solution for many aging-related issues.     

Image by Khusen Rustamov from Pixabay

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