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When do you have to see an Endodontist

You will probably be referred for root canal treatment if you have a severe toothache or long-standing dental decay. This treatment aims to eliminate the infection inside a tooth (pulp infection), which will later be sealed with a biocompatible material to prevent future complications.

Scheduling a consult for this therapy might not be that simple. Who do you need to see in the first place?  Do you have to make an appointment with a general dentist or an endodontist? In this blog, you will find the answer to these questions and more information on root canal therapy.

First of all, we need to define who an endodontist is. An endodontist is a dentist that specializes in root canal treatment. These oral health professionals continue studying after getting their degree in Dentistry to provide top-level endodontic treatment. They only perform this type of therapy in most cases, so they have vast experience treating pulp infections. 

General or family dentists also have the skills and knowledge to perform these procedures. If the case is simple (or at least not very complex), your dentist can solve this problem in one or two appointments. However, certain cases require endodontists’ expertise to be successfully treated. Some examples of these cases are:

  • Root canal treatment in back teeth: molars have, by nature, complex internal anatomy. They have two or three roots, and there is at least one canal per root, so dentists need to find, clean, and seal at least two canals per tooth. This requires skillful hands and special equipment, so it’s always advisable to see a specialist if you have problems with your back teeth.
  • Teeth with severe infection: over time, the pulp infection can affect the bone tissue surrounding the tooth’s root. In these cases, the patient will need special treatments with antibiotics and other antiseptic substances, which endodontists typically perform.
  • Teeth with anatomical complications: sometimes, front teeth can also be tricky. The roots can present severe curvatures, or the canals can be hard to find, so dentists might refer you to a specialist to ensure the success of the treatment.

Find a qualified endodontist at Bowtie Dental Studio in New York Brooklyn

Bowtie Dental Studio has a top specialist in endodontics and all the equipment needed to provide the dental attention your smile deserves. Schedule a consultation with the endodontist and find out how you can restore your oral health!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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