Tuesday, February 18, 2025

What is premature aging?

Did you know that premature aging can start before the age of 35? While many people start noticing early signs of aging from when they turn 40, there are those who get to experience it sooner than others. This is why it is important to know what the symptoms of premature aging are. 

If you haven’t reached the age of 40 yet, and you have started seeing tell signs, then you may want to keep on reading this guide to find out more. 

What Is Aging?

Aging can be briefly defined as the deterioration of the body’s physiological functions. It is a natural occurrence that happens gradually in most people. While aging is inevitable as you should feel the difference as you reach each new stage of growth in your life, you should know that there are ways that should make it possible to reduce the early signs of aging. 

Nowadays, technological advances have made it easier for pioneer medical professionals such as Dominique Fradin Read to take advantage of a gap in a wide market. There are various products that have been developed by medical professionals that aim to not only help reduce the effects of aging, but that also help to enhance your overall health. 

What Are The Signs of Premature Aging?

Before you can decide to purchase any products that promise to reverse any signs of aging, it is essential to know what signs to look out for. Below are some common signs of premature aging that you should look for. 

Sun Spots

These are signs that appear on your face, forearms, or back. They are caused by overexposure to the sun over a prolonged period. If you have fairer skin, you may see the appearance of these spots more when you turn 40. 

Inflammation on Your Chest 

As you get older, you are susceptible to developing patchy discoloration on your chest. However, this type of condition isn’t always linked to premature aging. Sometimes, it can be a sign of another underlying skin condition such as eczema. It is advisable to get a medical diagnosis before you treat it yourself. Due to this, there isn’t a typical average age when this can occur. 

Sagging or Wrinkles 

Getting older comes with a lot of challenges for our bodies. For instance, the production of collagen starts reducing as you reach the age of 30. When you start producing fewer amounts of collagen, your body is unable to fight the sagging or wrinkling of your skin. While age is usually the contributing factor for saggy or wrinkled skin, it is important to note that other factors such as dehydration or dirt can also cause your skin to sag. 

Hair Loss

What happens when your cells can no longer trigger new hair growth? Your follicles die off. Studies suggest that men are more prone to premature hair loss. With over 50% of them seeing drastic hair loss at the age of 50. Contrary, approximately 40% of women experience the same only at the age of 70. 

There are other factors that can affect your hair loss. For instance, environmental agents, genetics, or hormone changes can play a huge role in any accelerated hair loss at any point in time. 

The Bottom Line 

Medical professionals such as Dominique Fradin Read play a vital role in developing anti-aging medicine. Even though aging will affect everyone at some point in time, it is important to develop treatments for those that are impacted by premature aging. Knowing how to identify the early symptoms of premature aging is essential. This will help you to determine what cause of action to take before the problem persists. 

Image by Terri Cnudde from Pixabay 

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