Myth: Diversity training breaks down bias toward gender inequality
Truth: This is false.
Women are still at a disadvantage in multiple areas of work, including science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEM) fields. Women are more likely to earn a lower salary, more likely to experience sexual harassment, and less likely to be promoted. This inequity is even greater for women of color, women with disabilities, and women who are a part of the LGBT community.
While female representation in various STEM fields is mildly helping to fight the diversity myth, equity is still far away. Almost every employer has a written policy on gender diversity, committed to engaging more women and minorities. The problem is, what we are doing now isn’t working. While setting a goal to improve gender diversity is an excellent first step, it’s important to develop a plan with realistically actionable stages. A review article published in the Lancet summarizes common truths and diversity myths about gender inclusion and diversity. The article also discusses research-based approaches that could improve gender diversity and inclusion. To read more about this topic, please click here.