Rumour: In adults, carbohydrate-rich foods are associated with depressive symptoms.
Truth: This is true but, it also depends.
An observational study published in the British Journal of Nutrition demonstrated that in adults aged 55 or over, those that consumed a diet high in carbohydrate-rich foods were more likely to experience depressive symptoms and moreover, that a carbohydrate-rich diet could be a factor in the development of depression. Alternatively, researchers found that individuals that consumed a diet high in dietary fibre, with lots of fruits and vegetables, were less likely to experience these depressive symptoms.
- Gopinath B, Flood VM, Burlutksy G, Louie JC, Mitchell P. Association between carbohydrate nutrition and prevalence of depressive symptoms in older adults. Br J Nutr. 2016;116(12):2109-2114. doi:10.1017/S0007114516004311