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The 5 Main Steps in Neonatal Resuscitation: What You Need to Know

When a baby is born and has trouble breathing, it’s the job of the neonatal resuscitation team to help get them on track during their golden hour.

The five main steps in neonatal resuscitation are crucial for saving lives, and if you’re ever in this situation, you’ll want to know what they are.

Below, we will discuss each step in detail and provide some tips for helping out during an emergency.

Step One: Keep the Baby Warm

One of the most important things you can do for a baby in distress is to keep them warm.

This step seems simple, but it’s crucial for keeping the baby comfortable and preventing further stress. A warm environment will also help the baby’s body better absorb oxygen.

If you’re ever in a situation where you need to provide neonatal resuscitation, make sure to keep the baby warm.

You can do this by wrapping the baby in a dry blanket and rubbing them gently.

Step Two: Clear the Baby’s Airway

The next step is to clear the baby’s airway. This is important because it will help the baby to breathe more easily.

To do this, you’ll need to use a suction device to remove any mucus or fluid from the nose and mouth. If you don’t have a suction device handy, you can use your fingers to clear the area gently.

If you have a bulb syringe, you can use it to suck any mouth secretions that might be blocking the baby’s respiratory tract.

While doing all these, ensure you rest the baby on its back flat on a surface with their head in a neutral position. You can achieve this position by placing a three-centimeter thick folded towel under the baby’s shoulders.

Step Three: Breathe for the Baby

Once the airway is clear, it’s time to start breathing for the baby. If you have a resuscitation mask, place it over the baby’s mouth and nose and give two gentle breaths.

If you don’t have a mask, you can use your mouth to cover the baby’s mouth and nose and give two gentle breaths.

Step Four: Check for a Heartbeat

After you’ve given the baby two breaths, it’s time to check for a heartbeat using a pulse oximeter or your fingers.

Place your index and middle finger on the lower half of the baby’s sternum (the breastbone) and press down gently. If you feel a heartbeat, continue to give the baby breaths at the rate of one breath every three to five seconds.

Step Five: Start Chest Compressions

If you don’t feel a heartbeat, it’s time to start chest compressions.

Place your two hands on the lower half of the baby’s sternum and press down about one-third to one-half the depth of the chest. Allow the sternum to return to its normal position before giving another compression.

Give compressions at a rate of about 100 to 120 per minute.

These are the five main steps in neonatal resuscitation. Be sure to familiarize yourself with them before you have your baby so that you’re prepared in case of an emergency.

You can also consider getting a neonatal resuscitation certificate for full training on how to go about these steps in detail. While you can go through this procedure alone at home, it’s best to always call a doctor for further examination and guidance.

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

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