antiretroviral therapy - search results
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Is Standard Antiretroviral Therapy More Effective than a Novel Two-drug Regimen?
Recent phase 3 clinical trials compared the efficacy and safety of a novel two-drug regimen, with the standard three-drug antiretroviral therapy for HIV.Antiretroviral therapy...
Is there a new effective antibody therapy for HIV-1?
In a recent study published in Nature, researchers report a new dual-combo antibody treatment to treat HIV-1.Once in the human body, the HIV-1 virus...
Researchers discover new link between HIV and cancer
New research from Case Western Reserve University in the United States makes strides in understanding why HIV-infected patients often suffer from higher cancer rates.Controlling...
World AIDS Day – December 1st, 2018 – Latest research on HIV/AIDS
Alana Punit - 0
World AIDS Day was the first ever global health day established to raise awareness worldwide of the fight against AIDS. Since 1988, every December...
The HIV Cure Rumour
Rumour: HIV has no cure.Truth: This is true.Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system and can...
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and HIV Infection
A recent review study investigated the prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in those living with HIV.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (DPOC) is a condition...
Navigating the Ethics to Find a Cure for HIV
Clinical research involves several ethical issues for consideration. Researchers navigate the ethics of the research to develop a cure for HIV and its subsequent...
HIV Prevention: Is a Combination Approach an Effective Strategy?
Researchers analyzed data from various communities in Uganda to determine if increasing antiretroviral therapy (ART) and medical male circumcision are beneficial for HIV prevention.Human...
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