Your questions answered!
Melody will search the science and get you an evidence backed answer. At MNB we know how hard it is to sift through scientific papers or work your way through clinical research. We’re here to get you up to speed on what’s supported by evidence and to help you to hone your critical evaluation skills.

COVID-19 shots and Myocarditis: Clearing the Confusion
This week Melody explains how we know that getting myocarditis from COVID-19 is more dangerous than getting myocarditis from the COVID-19 vaccine.

Can Depression Cause Memory Loss?
This week on Question Corner, Melody settles a debate between two friends—does depression cause memory loss? Got a question for Melody? Dear Melody, Please settle our debate. I say depression makes people forgetful but my friend says that’s nonsense and I’m using it as an excuse for everything. The thing is I have been finding […]

Alcohol and Anxiety Disorders: a Dangerous Dance
This week in Question Corner, an anxious teen turns to alcohol to soothe his transitional fears. Melody addresses a mom’s worries about the toxic combination of alcohol abuse and anxiety disorders.

Fish for Thought
This week on Question Corner, Melody explains why eating fish can be a great way to access the benefits of DHA and EPA for your heart and brain.
Have you got a health, wellness or medical research problem that needs solving?
If you:
- Want to know whether a particular supplement or health food really does what it claims?
- have a burning question about how medical research works?
- Curious about the latest health trends?
- Saw a scientific headline that sounds too good to be true?
- Need to win an argument that Siri can’t handle?
- are interersted in anything else…
ask away!
Simply fill in this form or email us at [email protected] with the subject line “Question Corner” to ask us your question!