Thursday, April 25, 2024

epilepsy - search results

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Can Lyme disease be diagnosed at an early stage?

Recently, researchers investigated a new reliable multiple platforms' method that helps to diagnose Lyme disease at an early stage. Lyme disease is caused by the...

Effects of Migraines During Pregnancy

Researchers investigate whether migraines during pregnancy are associated with health concerns in mothers and their children. Migraines are more than a simple headache. Although migraines...

A prediction tool for epileptic seizures in pregnancy

Researchers have developed a tool that can accurately predict the risk of epileptic seizures in pregnancy. In the United States, over 1 million women of...

Are brain connectivity changes linked to smoking and drinking?

Researchers compared brain imaging in smoking and drinking to investigate why people become addicted to nicotine or alcohol.   According to the recent World Health Organization...


科学家最近开发了一种高科技新设备可用于检测并预先警告癫痫发作。 尽管服用了抗癫痫药物,大约百分之三十的癫痫患者仍会反复癫痫发作。许多癫痫患者常常在晚上睡眠中出现癫痫发作,有可能出现坠床等危险。这些癫痫患者也有较高的突然意外死亡风险,这也是癫痫患者死亡的主要原因。此外,患有智力残疾和严重治疗抵抗性癫痫的患者死于癫痫的死亡风险约为百分之二十。因此,开发准确的癫痫警告设备不仅有助于提高患者的护理质量,还有助于降低突然意外死亡的风险。 目前用于监测夜间癫痫的方法是床传感器,它对由节奏性抽搐引起的振动作出反应。然而,此方法的准确性低,导致许多癫痫发作未被发现。來自荷兰的科学家最近开发了一款名为Nightwatch的高科技设备手镯,能准确地检测癫痫发作。 智能手镯能识别出严重癫痫发作的两个警告信号 這項新智能手镯能识别严重癫痫发的两个重要警告标志,包括异常快速的心跳和有节奏的颠簸运动。当检测到这些癫痫发作时,手镯会向患者的看护人員或护士发送警报。 研究人员最近进行了一项前瞻性试验,对28名智障患者进行了癫痫测试。每个参与者平均戴着手镯65晚,如果该人有严重的癫痫发作,那么手镯就会发出警报。参与者会被拍摄以确定是否存在设备未能捕获的任何错误警报或癫痫发作。研究结果最近发表在权威杂志《神经学》上。 新设备的表现优于现有方法 研究团队发现,新手镯设备较现时常用的床传感器为准确。调查结果显示,床传感器仅检测到21 %左右的严重癫痫发作,即错过了每个患者每4个晚一次的严重癫痫发作。相比之下,Nightwatch手镯每位患者平均每25晚仅错过一次严重的癫痫发作。 总体而言,该设备能识别出85 %的严重夜间癫痫发作和96 %的严重癫痫发作。这些结果显示,从不同可触发癫痫发作的信号,例如心率和运动,进行检测是夜间癫痫发作是可靠识别方法。在研究期间,患者的护理人员对手镯的使用持积极态度,而患者在晚上佩戴手镯时亦没有感到不适。 研究人员估计,通过使用Nightwatch手镯,突然意外死亡的病例可大幅地减少三分之二。若在全球推行使用的話,这种癫痫警告设备可有助于挽救数以千人的生命。然而,这个数字将取决于看护人員和护士对警报的反应速度。 Nightwatch现已上市,可供成人在家中和机构使用。 作者: Lacey Hizartzidis, PhD 译者:Man-tik Choy, Ph.D 参考文献: Johan Arends, Roland D. Thijs, Thea Gutter, Constantin Ungureanu, Pierre Cluitmans,...

Can ketogenic supplements delay seizures due to oxygen toxicity?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a treatment used in at least 14 different disorders. A significant risk of this treatment is oxygen toxicity which can...

6 unexpected ways your gut microbiome affects your health

The term “microbiota” describes a cluster of microorganisms that are concentrated in a specific environment in the human body. Microbiota can reside anywhere, from...

Today In Medical History – November 9

(1810) German surgeon Bernhard von Langenbeck was born. He founded Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery, the oldest journal of medical surgery in the world. (1850) German pharmacologist Louis...

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