Wednesday, December 11, 2024

age related macular degeneration - search results

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Dietary Nitrate Intake and Cardiovascular Health

Researchers in Australia reviewed the published studies on links between dietary nitrate intake and cardiovascular health. Cardiovascular diseases, such as heart disease and stroke, are...

Is blue light harmful to your vision?

Age-related macular degeneration is a complex condition resulting in vision loss. Researchers investigate if blue light has toxic effects on cells, which may explain...

Can a Mediterranean-style diet help to prevent blindness?

A European study investigated whether eating a Mediterranean-style diet can reduce age-related eye conditions and help prevent blindness. In Western countries, age-related macular degeneration (AMD)...

Could an eye exam reveal early signs of dementia?

There is no medical test that can predict if someone will develop dementia. A recent study investigated if people with a thinner retina were...

The Antioxidant Rumour

Rumour: Antioxidants have the potential to protect against age-related macular degeneration. Truth: This is true. Age-related macular degeneration can lead to irreversible blindness and has been...

Can retinal cells developed from embryonic stem cells improve vision loss?

A research group in California tested whether embryonic stem-cell-derived retinal cells and a scaffold implant could improve vision loss. Between 10-20% of the adult population...

Breast Milk or Formula: Which Allows for Better Lutein Absorption?

A recent commentary in The Journal of Nutrition discusses how breast milk enhances the absorption of lutein in the infant's brain when compared to...


新近一项研究探讨饮食摄入抗氧化剂与吸烟状况相关的老年黄斑变性之间的可能关联。 O老年人易患一种由老年黄斑变性引发的不可逆性失明症。已知的老年黄斑变性发病风险因子包括糖尿病、酗酒、遗传因素、饮食及吸烟。 吸烟已被划分为致老年黄斑变性的主要环境因子,香烟所含的毒素可消耗机体内循环中的抗氧化剂。上述致老年黄斑变性的风险因子的效应可被机体摄入的适量水果和蔬菜所抵消。发表在Nutrition Journal期刊上的一项来自韩国的研究探讨了抗氧化剂、进食水果和蔬菜以及老年黄斑变性三者之间的相关性,同时,项目还对吸烟状况进行了调研。 水果和蔬菜可阻止抗氧化剂的消耗吗? 研究人员采集了65岁及以上共1414位韩国人的数据,实际上,这些数据源自在2010至2012年间进行的韩国全国范围内健康与营养研究调查。这一调查包括三个部分:健康面谈、健康测试及营养调查。而本次研究所采集数据的对象不包括那些吸烟状况信息不明的上述调查项目的参与者。眼科医生对老年黄斑变性的诊断标准为至少一侧眼睛罹患。研究人员同时还采集诸如吸烟状况、饮酒及饮食补充剂使用等有关饮食与生活方式方面的信息。 这项研究发现,增加水果和蔬菜的摄入量可有助于减低老年黄斑变性的发生,因而,包括a-胡萝卜素、b-胡萝卜素及维生素C在内的抗氧化剂消耗的增加与老年黄斑变性的流行之间可能存在着一种负相关。按照这项研究的思路,上述这一负相关可见于那些还在吸烟的老年黄斑变性患者中,而以上各种相关性在既往吸烟或非吸烟者群体中均不明显。这一结果意味着,吸烟群体中患黄斑变性的风险随抗氧化剂消耗的增加而减低。 仅在吸烟群体中存在关联 这项研究得出以下结论:摄入抗氧化剂可降低老年黄斑变性的发病,而这一相关性仅见于项目研究进行时还吸烟的老年黄斑变性患者群体中。因此,上述研究提示,应就这一课题开展深入探究以寻求一种针对老年黄斑变性的饮食预防举措,通过简单的饮食调整,可达到提高老年人群整体健康状况之目的,并因此减低不可逆性失明症的发病。 作者:Shrishti Ahuja, HBSc 译者:Mingfa Li, Ph.D, MD 参考文献: Kim, E., Kim, H., Vijayakumar, A., Kwon, O., & Chang, N. (2017). Associations between fruit and vegetable, and...

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