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How to order lateral flow test

If you suspect you might have COVID-19, you need to have a check to ensure your good health.

There are numerous tests available in the market such as molecular tests, PCR tests, and Antigen tests; often known as Lateral flow tests. All the tests have equal significance.

However Lateral flow test is the fastest method to test COVID-19 among all other tests. This is why it has gained a lot of popularity.

Here in this article, we will tutor you through the process of How to order lateral flow tests online or offline.

Before proceeding with the process order lateral flow test. Let’s learn what the Lateral flow test is?

Lateral Flow test 

A lateral flow test is a simple diagnostic kit that is used to confirm the presence or absence of a targeted analyte in a human or animal body.

The lateral flow test is widely used in many industries to ensure safety and good health. The lateral flow test is straightforward and doesn’t require a trained professional to operate.

You can order it and test it yourself at home which has made it so popular.

How to order lateral flow Tests in the UK?

The lateral flow test has been approved for use in the UK by the Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

But the test should meet the minimum standard set out by the government of the country. The list of approved lateral flow tests provides can be found on the Government’s website.

Before ordering the lateral flow test for you or anyone you must ensure whether it is approved by the government or not.

The list of covid-private-testing-providers-general-testing-20-4-22 (2), along with the contact details.

You can order it online from the approved seller or you pick it up from the local pharmacy.

According to Online providers are a little bit more expensive than the physical shop with around £15 for a 5-test kit sometime furthermore including the delivery charge.

Order rapid lateral flow tests online

If you are eligible to order you can order for a free one pack every 3days.

One pack contains 7 tests. It won’t take a long time to arrive at your address, usually within 3 days.

However, if it is a public holiday then it might take even more time. However, if you can afford you can spend and order from a private seller online or pick it up from the nearest pharmacy.

Ordering from Handstations

You can order lateral flow tests from Handstations and get the kit to your address anyone in your household can use the test if he/she is eligible.

It is not compulsory to order a different pack for each person. However, while ordering a kit for household members use their email if possible. 

After you have ordered

You will get a confirmation mail from the order that you did and you can track the order timely.

If you have a problem with kits 

If you have ordered it from the government and found the problem you can call 119 or report the problem online.

But if you ordered it from a private seller or bought it from a local pharmacy you can contact them and report the problem.

Warning: Don’t use the kit if some part is massing or it is damaged.

After your test result  

If you ordered free of cost from the government then you can register your report on the Government website here.

You can’t register the report here if you paid for the test kit. If you paid for the test kit, check the instructions on the test kit or contact the seller where you bought it from.

Image by analogicus from Pixabay 

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