Sunday, February 16, 2025
HomeSpecial CategoriesSponsored ArticleHow To Improve Your Medical Practice's Online Presence

How To Improve Your Medical Practice’s Online Presence

Medical practices were one of the most common holdouts as the world moved online. Then the pandemic hit. Now, patients expect medical practitioners to have an online presence for sharing information, scheduling appointments, and interacting with patients.

If your practice is lagging behind in the new normal, use these strategies to improve your medical practice’s online presence. 

Know When To Outsource

Outsourcing is revolutionizing medical practices in all specialties. Delegating non-medical tasks to skilled contractors helps practices focus on the patient without sacrificing other areas, like marketing, billing, and scheduling. 

Outsourcing web design and social media management to a healthcare social media agency can help you reach the next generation of patients without sacrificing integrity or quality of care. Work with a team that understands the unique needs of a medical practitioner, such as HIPAA laws and the importance of science-backed information.

Create an Online Resource Bank

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art and science of optimizing your website so search engines will present your information above the competition. Adding long-form content (blogs) to your site can help share relevant keywords that will drive traffic to your site.

Creating an online resource bank will contribute to SEO efforts and attract organic traffic. This project will also improve the patient experience by creating a database to which they can refer when they have questions or concerns. 

For example, a patient may be concerned about symptoms they’re experiencing. A 2013 survey indicated that at least one-third of Americans search for their symptoms and self-diagnose. Being a trusted resource for your patients will give them the information they desire with a call to action to schedule a proper medical appointment. 

You can also post information regarding treatment protocols, symptom management, and other relevant information to share electronically with your patient. This approach is an alternative to sharing information orally that they might later forget or offering a printout to get misplaced.

Invest in Branding

Never underestimate the power of branding. Many medical professionals deem branding unnecessary— if someone needs a doctor, they’ll call. The problem is that they may not call you.

Toilet paper is a prime example of the importance of branding for a necessary product. Everyone needs toilet paper— 2020 taught us that the hard way. Yet, brands like Charmin, Royale, and Cashmere invest millions of dollars each year to market their product. 

Why? Because it’s not about needing a product; it’s about which brand (or medical professional) you remember and become loyal to.

Take the time to understand your patient demographics and create a brand that speaks to them. Incorporate those features into your online content to create a consistency that resonates with your target audience. This strategy will help extend your reach and bolster your online presence.

Debunk Myths

Medical professionals have a unique opportunity to debunk myths online and share real, science-backed information. Use these platforms to dispel common myths and become a reliable resource for learning and sharing.

Video marketing has transformed how medical practitioners connect with patients. Use this to show your human side, share tips, and react to videos that spread misinformation.

Ask for Reviews

Online reviews offer two primary benefits: SEO and social proof. Having positive online reviews will flag your practice with Google for local searches. These reviews will also show potential patients that your practice is well-regarded.

Reach out to patients for feedback and reviews. Consider having a contest to reward them for their time. Create a space where patients can share negative feedback as well; this information will help you improve the patient experience.

Take a strategic approach to improve your online presence. Set meaningful goals and learn from your patients to determine what they really need. When in doubt, outsource to a skilled agency to handle your online community management and social media scheduling.

Image by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

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