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HomeLive WellLifestyleCaregiving: When It's Time for Outside Help

Caregiving: When It’s Time for Outside Help

As a caregiver, you are responsible for taking care of an aging parent or another loved one. You may also be their primary caregiver, which means you spend more time with them than anyone else.

This can be exhausting and overwhelming, but it doesn’t mean you have to do everything on your own or give up on your loved one. In fact, there are times when relying on outside help is necessary and even beneficial for the person being cared for.

Here are some situations when getting help from others is essential.

These services can make a big difference in the quality of life for the person you care about, as well as for you as their caregiver.

It’s Time for Assisted Living Care

We often think of assisted living as a place for people who need more help than their children can provide. Indeed, many people are more comfortable when they know that their loved one has a safe place to live that has a staff of trained caregivers.

There are many advantages of assisted living, including:

  • Access to professional help: One of the biggest advantages of assisted living is that your loved one will have access to trained caregivers. You may be able to hire people to help out, but unless you have medical training, you won’t be able to do as much as a trained professional can.
  • More freedom: If your loved one is in assisted living, they’ll have more freedom to live their life as they want. This can be a great benefit, especially if they’ve become less independent and need you to do things for them that they would like to do themselves when they were younger and healthier.
  • Less pressure on you: As your loved one’s primary caregiver, you may feel that it’s your job to take care of everything. This can be especially true if you live with your loved one, as you may feel pressure to do everything around the house for them. Living in an assisted living facility can remove some of this pressure.

Both You and Your Loved One Need Respite Care

Having a support network of friends and family can make caregiving less stressful. But if you’re the primary caregiver for a loved one, you may not have the option of getting help from others.

This is particularly true if you live with your loved one, as you may not have friends or family in the area.

It can also be difficult to hire help if you don’t have the money to do so. 

If you live with your loved one, you may need to hire a professional caregiver or put your loved one in an assisted living facility. When searching online, you can find many home health aide jobs and services specializing in this area.

You just need to find a company that suits your needs. Respite care gives you a break from the responsibilities of caregiving while also giving your loved one a break from your care.

This can be especially important if your loved one is depressed or has dementia. 

Your Loved One Requires Skilled Nursing Care

If your loved one has a serious illness, such as a stroke or heart attack, you may need to hire a professional to provide them with needed care.

You may also need to hire a professional if your loved one has a degenerative condition, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Not only will this help to keep your loved one comfortable, but it may also extend their life. 

You can hire a professional caregiver to provide a variety of services. They may come to your loved one’s home, or you may have to put them in a nursing home.

If you put your loved one in a nursing home, you may want to hire a nurse who specializes in skilled care.

This nurse can make sure your loved one is comfortable and getting the care they need.

Your Loved One Requires Physical Assistance and Aides

Sometimes, aging and illness make it impossible for your loved one to do things that they used to be able to do. Your loved one may be able to walk with a cane or walker, but they may not be able to walk without some help.

They may also be able to get around in a wheelchair, but they may need help getting in and out. 

Depending on your loved one’s condition, you may help them with these things. But if you have limited mobility yourself, or if your loved one needs more assistance than you can provide, you’ll need to hire a professional for help.

If you have a loved one who needs this level of care, you may have to put them in a nursing home.

Professional Caregivers and Trained Helpers

There are many advantages to hiring a professional caregiver. A caregiver who specializes in caring for elderly people and those with disabilities can help your loved one with a wide variety of things.

A caregiver who is trained in specific medical procedures may be able to help your loved one with tasks like taking their medication or doing medical procedures, like giving an injection. 

They may also be able to provide specific types of care, such as dressing your loved one or assisting them with mobility.

Humans are social creatures and often feel more comfortable with a familiar face.

Hiring a professional caregiver who can become a familiar face for your loved one can help them feel less isolated and out of place.


As a caregiver, you may have to do everything you can to take care of your loved ones. But this may take a toll on you physically and mentally. Hiring a professional caregiver who can help with daily tasks and medical procedures can make your life much easier.

You can focus on what matters most to you while the professional caregiver takes care of everything else.

Image by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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