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HomeHealth ConditionsEczema8 Triggers for Eczema

8 Triggers for Eczema

Eczema is a chronic skin condition that can cause redness, dryness, and itchiness of the skin.

It is characterized by inflammatory skin with intense itching, which can impact the quality of life considerably.

The root causes behind Eczema are still not fully understood, and the only way to identify and prevent Eczema from developing is to know and avoid the possible triggers.

It is a good idea to consult advanced dermatology in Lake Nona if you or your loved one suffers from severe Eczema.

After all, you may need additional measures and guidance to avoid exposure to certain triggers and get a prescribed treatment by a dermatologist.

Several potential eczema triggers can flare up the skin condition, including allergens, stress, weather changes, and more.

People with certain types of Eczema tend to suffer more because of the flare-ups, and for others, it might be challenging to treat as it is not easy to identify as to what is triggering those symptoms.

Read on to get detailed information about what can cause Eczema and what are the common triggers of the skin condition.

What causes Eczema?

Researchers are of the consensus that it is a mix of genes and triggers that work behind most types of Eczema.

People with an over-reactive immune system respond much faster by producing inflammation, and this is why they develop red, itchy, and painful skin.

Research also shows that a possible gene mutation is associated with those flare-ups.

The protein, Filaggrin, helps to maintain a healthy protective barrier for our skin, and thus, without adequate Filaggrin, it is not possible for the skin to safeguard itself against bacteria and viruses.

Moreover, the valuable moisture from the skin can escape easily without a protective barrier. This is why people with Eczema tend to have infection-prone skin, which is very dry.

Eczema patients need to know the common triggers to stay healthy and lead a quality life while living with Eczema.

So, what are the common triggers of Eczema?

Eczema triggers

It is essential to identify potential triggers that can flare up the skin condition.

Some of the most common triggers include:

A dry skin

Dry skin can develop due to changes in weather conditions, excessive outdoor exposure, or working conditions.

Many people are prone to dry skin due to a genetic trait and develop a lower moisture level in their skin.

Dry skin can easily become thin, brittle, and weak and can lead to eczema flare-ups, and as a result, your skin can become red, itchy, and sensitive.

  • What to do
    So, start applying moisturizer whenever you see your skin getting a bit too dry. Doctors recommend that it is essential to keep the skin well moisturized with good quality creams free of any irritants.

Certain irritants

Some people develop Eczema due to exposure to some irritants present in their cleaning products, such as soap, laundry detergent, shampoo, body wash, or detergents.

Lemon juice, vinegar, baking soda, and cosmetics too may carry certain irritants that can damage the skin barrier and remove the much-needed oils and moisture from the skin.

  • What to do
    Once you are aware of the presence of those irritants in your daily products of use, it is essential to change those products and replace them with something that is milder and safer for your skin.

Emotional stress

Stress is a major eczema trigger, and it is observed that the eczema symptoms tend to worsen if one is feeling stressed.

People often develop stress when they find out that they have Eczema, making them even more vulnerable to flare-ups. Studies find that 35% of skin inflammation is a result of stress, which can make Eczema worse.

  • What to do
    Stay calm and understand that the skin condition is fully manageable, provided you do the right things. The person should understand as to what are the reasons behind his stress and can get some counseling and develop stress-relieving hobbies, such as reading, listening to relaxing music, meditation, and yoga.

Water exposure

It is seen that frequent exposure to water too can encourage eczema symptoms.

There are people who wash their hands too often, and while it is a good habit, it can trigger their skin condition if they have Eczema.

Thus, frequent showering, bathing, or swimming is not good as it can remove moisture from the skin and make it prone to eczema flare-ups.

  • What to do

One should avoid excessive showering and washing to limit water exposure. If they have to wash or shower, they should not use very cold or hot water and apply a moisturizer right after away.

Dry air 

Lack of humidity and higher dermatitis can trigger eczema symptoms.

Thus, any weather change that results in dry air and heat could cause symptoms and trigger itchiness in people with Eczema.

When the weather gets colder, the indoor air can get excessively dry and heated up because of the heating systems.

  • What to do
    Eczema patients should keep an eye on the heat and dryness levels of the indoor air where they live or work. They should avoid executively hot climates and try to stay within a comfortable temperature that is neither too hot nor cold. If possible, they should use an air humidifier to add moisture to the air and use protective moisturizers for their skin.

Hormonal changes

There is evidence that hormone fluctuations too can trigger Eczema, and especially, growing young females are more likely to develop those conditions.

According to the researchers, it could be because of the impact of the female sex hormones on their immune system.

This is why Eczema tends to worsen in some women during pregnancy or in their menstrual cycle.

  • What to do
    As it is unavoidable to control hormonal changes, the best way out is to manage the symptoms and prepare ahead. Consult your doctor and do the needful.


Sweating is another common trigger, and flare-ups develop as the skin remains moist and warm for too long.

The increase in body temperature can make the body more vulnerable to skin conditions.

  • What to do
    Avoid wearing tight clothing made of natural fibers such as cotton and linen and try to keep cool where possible. Do not wear synthetic sportswear for prolonged periods after exercise remove them right away and take a cool shower to get rid of the sweat.


Certain bacteria, viruses, and fungi could be the potential triggers behind Eczema.

It is found that people with Eczema tend to have larger numbers of certain microbes on their body surface, for example, Staphylococcus aureus, Herpes, and Malassezia.

These microbes enter the deeper layers of the skin and can cause infection or develop a flaky rash in extensive areas of skin.

  • What to do

If you are aware that certain microbes are the possible trigger behind your Eczema, consult a reputed dermatologist, who will prescribe medications to keep those microbes away.

Food Allergens

Food allergies can also be a possible reason behind eczema flare-ups.

Thus, if you have food allergies and are prone to Eczema, it is probably because of those allergens present in the food.

Eczema tends to worsen when the individual develops an allergy when he or she takes certain foods.

  • What to do

It is essential to know what food items are causing the allergy and worsening Eczema. They should consult their doctor and go for allergy testing to detect the foods a person is allergic to. Once the food allergens are identified, they should remove those food items from their dietary list.

When to consult a doctor

As an eczema patent with frequent flare-ups, it is of utmost importance to contact a reputed dermatologist in their area right away.

If the apterin finds that there is no improvement in their condition despite taking all the precautions, they should see a doctor.

The dermatologist can help identify the possible triggers of Eczema and prescribe effective treatments.

He may also ask for diagnostic tests to confirm any allergies.

Some preventive tips

Eczema patients can further safeguard the skin by taking additional steps as follows:

  • People with Eczema should keep their skin clean, fresh, and well-hydrated, both internally and externally.
  • Clean their skin right away once they are aware that it has been exposed to a potential trigger.
  • Apply a good quality cream or emollient regularly to maintain a protective barrier.
  • Wear protective clothing such as gloves to keep their skin safe and protected.
  • Treat their skin gently and avoid being rough with it or scratching around cracked skin. 
  • Avoid some common foods that may trigger Eczema, including dairy foods, citrus fruits, gluten or wheat, eggs, tomatoes, soy, and certain spices, such as cloves, cinnamon, and some nuts.

Keep in mind that eczema flare-ups take time to surface after exposure to those triggers.

Thus, the lag time makes it even more difficult to deal with the condition. Moreover, every person is different, and one individual’s trigger can be different from the other.

Hence, follow your dermatologist’s instructions, use the moisturizer regularly, and watch out for any of those common triggers to keep the condition under control.

Image by iqbal nuril anwar from Pixabay 

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