Young people are vulnerable to a large variety of health issues. Their lifestyles, lack of experience, and gaps in health care and self-awareness can lead to serious consequences.
So, let’s see the seven most common health issues all students are most prone to developing while at school.
Catching a cold is the most common health issue experienced by students. First, such a disease is very easy to catch in closed environments.
Secondly, a cold spreads easily when one’s immune system is down. Unfortunately, young people may lack a healthy amount of sleep and nutrients while living under a lot of stress and minimal physical activity.
Such circumstances weaken the immune system, making it more vulnerable to disease.
The symptoms of a cold include a rise in temperature, sore throat, weakness, etc. Usually, a cold can last up to a week and pass on its own without heavy reliance on medications.
Patients are recommended to drink lots of water and hot beverages and take plenty of rest.
The flu is often confused with a cold during the first stages of the disease. However, the flu is a more serious version of the virus. The danger of the flu is that the virus can be easily spread.
So, students who spend most of their time indoors are most prone to fall victim to the flu during the flu season.
Its symptoms can vary. However, they often include high fever, muscle aches, headaches, stuffy nose, sore throat, dizziness, etc. Flu should be treated medically.
The patient should contact a doctor and isolate themselves from others upon the first symptoms.
Stress & Anxiety
Stress is a big part of life, especially college life. But, unfortunately, young people are not well equipped to deal with stress. Hence, school pressure can easily get to them, turning into chronic stress and anxiety.
Such conditions can affect one’s quality of life, academic performance, and personal life. So, dealing with these mental health issues is essential.
For one, students need to have more rest and self-awareness practices. Finding time for it is essential here. Hundreds of essay companies offer their services to students to ease their workload.
It’s better to count on these companies than go through the stress of dealing with homework alone.
Young people under pressure should feel free to accept help when needed.
Unfortunately, depression has become quite a widespread health issue among students. Young people are rather prone to developing depression while still in school, being as young as 13 years old.
Such cases have risen in the past decade. One explanation is that young people are vulnerable to external factors such as pressure and stress.
On the other hand, college students often suffer from academic overburden, insomnia, poor diet, and managing new responsibilities. Hence, such circumstances may become the starting point of depression.
In addition, childhood circumstances and genetics may also increase or decrease one’s chances of developing depression.
In the case of depression, a student needs to seek help, invest in self-care, and accept the seriousness of this health issue.
Food poisoning
Food poisoning among college students is more frequent than one may think. Such health conditions happen due to a number of factors. First, young people may be overwhelmed with their new responsibilities.
Hence, they lack time for cooking and choose easy and cheap options instead. Such options may come from street vendors or other unreliable food providers.
In addition, food poisoning can also occur due to poor food storage in the dorm. Not paying attention to expiration dates is quite common among young people.
Food poisoning symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, high temperature, and headaches.
The symptoms should fade within several hours, considering a patient rests and drinks plenty of liquid.
College life comes with certain challenges. Young people experience a lot of responsibilities and a lot of freedom of choice, often for the first time in their lives.
Unfortunately, the eagerness to experience new things and the desire to keep up with the workload sometimes lead to them over-relying on drugs, prescribed or else.
As a result, addiction runs high among young college students.
Preventing such a health issue is easier than fighting it. Hence, education and awareness should be the first measure in overcoming such a grave disease.
In addition, young people should balance out their social and working time, prioritizing self-care and mental health.
A spring doesn’t sound like such a bad health issue. Yet, it can be very unpleasant and common on campus. First, springs are very common during training.
Hence, young athletes are most at risk of earning a muscle spring. However, other students aren’t safe from springs, either.
These physical traumas are easy to earn at a random spot, especially when students are not paying attention to their surroundings.
Sprained ankles and wrists are the most frequent cases here. Spring comes with swelling, pain, and somewhat limited movement.
Normally, one needs a few weeks of rest should be enough to heal the muscle. However, sometimes, a medical intrusion is necessary.
Images by diana.grytsku from freepik
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